5 Realistic Resolutions to Make this Year
New Year has hit us and that two week long splurge of sweeties and bubbles has finally taken its toll. It's a time when a lot of us resolve to be a 'new' or 'different' person; where we say we will loose weight, take up a new hobby, save our money and the like.
But instead of changing who we are, how about we grow as a person? New Years resolutions need not be unachievable and stale.This year, make resolutions that excite you, inspire you and, most of all, are realistic; the buzz of achieving them keep you motivated all year long!
We all have our down days, that's part of being human. But the important thing to remember is that those days dont rule us. There are 10,000 reasons to be happy in this life and it's time to focus on those and spend less energy complaining. You'll soon notice how being a little more positive can change your life; it'll change your attitude to things, the way people treat you and you'll feel like a more complete being!
We are in an age where technology is put up as paramount. We constantly check our little black mirrors for updates on current events, who's wearing what, who's eating what, and ultimately, comparing ourselves. Do yourself a favour and step away from your phone every once in a while.
Now, we're not saying delete all accounts and throw it out - that's just not realistic for this age, but try to rely on it less. Take a weekend break and leave your cell in the hotel, go on a shopping trip without constantly 'checking in' where you are on Facebook, just live in the moment and see how free you feel and how much more involved you get with your experiences. And if you're someone who likes to document, how about picking up a Polaroid? You'll have physical pictures to look through and keep, and the temptation wont be there to keep uploading every 10 minutes.
You wanna go for something - do it without feeling the need to explain. You dont wanna do something, then don't. You shouldn't feel pressured into giving excuses. It may seem harsh, but you are alive for YOU, you are living YOUR life, and unfortunately, that cant always please everyone else. Those who matter will understand your ethic, and those who don't understand simply don't matter.
It doesn't have to be a story book, you could read blogs, recipe books, magazines, even read to your children; as long as it's something you enjoy, read it. Reading gives us an escape, ignites passion in us and inspires us. It gives us quiet time to really wind-down and remove ourselves from everyday stresses. So even if it's 15 minutes before bed, allow yourself more time to read this year.
Once a month, once a week, whenever you feel like it. Filling your home with fresh blooms is said to lessen worry and anxiety and boost inspiration,motivation and creativity. The bouquet can be anything you choose, it may even evoke a special memory. You'll soon see how welcoming and refreshing it is to have fresh flowers in the home, and you'll be addicted!
What are your resolutions for 2018? Share them with us on social media, and don't forget you can find all of the Bella&Bear pieces pictured in this post (and many more) in our online store right now.