Hayfever Proof Makeup

Hayfever Proof Makeup

Summer is a beautiful time of year; the sun is shining, the cocktails are flowing and the flowers are blooming; but if you have hayfever that last one could be quite a problem. No worry, we're back today rounding up our fave hayfever-proof products to keep you looking gorgeous all Summer long!



Step1; Barry M Colour correcting primer (green) / UD Naked Skin Colour Correcting fluid (green) 
Step2Bourjois Healthy mix foundation / Bare Minerals Brightening serum foundationTarte Clay stick foundation
Step3; Clinique redness Relief pressed powder 
Step4; Bare Minerals Gen Nude Powder blush 

- First things first, hayfever can cause irritations and flare ups resulting in red skin. Combat it with a green primer or correcting fluid. Simply work it over the skin before your foundation to soften that complexion and dull down the redness.
- Next, go in with your foundation - try to choose a hypoallergenic one. The Bourjois Healthy Mix foundation is a great choice, particularly for those on a budget, or there is the Tarte Clay stick foundation which will give you great coverage. Be sure to blend it into the skin using your Bella&Bear Jaguar angled kabuki!
- Step 3 calls for a setting powder. You dont wan't to let that makeup budge, watery eyes or not, so go in with a powder here. We particularly love the Clinique redness relief pressed powder as it'll give you one last defense against redness!
- For your final base step, go in with a matte blush for a delicate flush of colour. Our Bella&Bear Cheetah Duo fiber powder brush will just the trick here as it applies the perfect amount of product every time!


Step1; NYX Proof it! Waterproof eyeshadow primer / Wet 'N' Wild Keep Going waterproof shadow stick / 
Step2; Daniel Sandler waterproof eye pencil / Givenchy Khol couture waterproof / NYX Slide on pencil Wander Beauty Slide liner gel pencil Tartiest clay paint liner /

- Thinking you can't wear an eye shadow with hayfever? Wrong!! As long as you are careful about which products you use there is no reason you cant rock a smokey eye in hayfever season. Be sure to apply a waterproof shadow primer to really lock your shadows in place, and for extra toughness you could even opt for a waterproof shadow - the Wet 'N' Wild shadow sticks are perfect for this!
When applying your eye makeup its best to avoid liquid products as they will run like a river if you're eyes do decide to water a little. Thankfully, there are plenty of alternatives you can shop. We have listed a few of our top waterproof liners here, pencils are a popular choice but you could try a gel too, such as the Tarte Clay paint liner - use it with our Bella&Bear Serval Angled liner brush for ultimate precision! 

Step3; Bodyshop lash sport waterproof mascaraFairydrops waterproof mascara / L'Oreal Miss Hippie mascara / Benefit BadGal waterproof mascaraToofaced better than sex waterproof /   

- Lashes are still a must, hayfever or not! There are tons of options you can choose from too, happily! TooFaced cult fave Better Than Sex mascara has its own waterproof version in a beautiful mint tube - or you could go for the l'Oreal Miss Hippie Waterproof for a purse friendly option.


Haymax Pollen Barrier Balm / Vaseline Tin / Origins GinZing Depuff eyecream / Bodyshop Vitamin E Eye Cube 

We all know hayfever can lead to puffy eyes - sad times! But, you can remedy them with a soothing eye product such as the BodyShop Eye Cube made with natural ingredients like vitamin E! Keep it in your purse if you need a refresh throughout the day!
Another handy hack is to pop a dab of vaseline or barrier balm onto the cupids bow and around the nostrils, it should work to catch pollen before it enters your nose and help to avoid sneezes and sniffles!

Happy Summertime Bella&Bear Babes!

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